
  • 招聘崗位 Recruitment Position

        代課老師Substitute Teacher

  • 具體職位 Job Title

        小學數學 Primary Maths Teacher

  • 教學人員應聘條件 Teaching Staff Requirements


        Be passionate about education, support our school vision and mission and

        be familiar with advanced educational philosophy.

        2. 工作積極主動,正向思維,責任心强,具良好的溝通表達能力、創新 力、親和力及應變能力;

        Active in work, positive thinking, strong sense of responsibility, good

        communication, expression, innovation, affinity, and adaptability.

        3. 需具備小學教育教師資格,學士及以上學歷,熟練掌控所授學科的知識結構體系

        Hold the corresponding subject teacher qualification certificate, with a

        bachelor's degree or above. Priority is given to candidates with a professional

        subject knowledge.

        4. 具有相關教學經驗者優先;

        Relevant teaching experience are preferred;

        5. 代課時間由2月12日起至7月中旬

        Substitute teaching time is from February 12 to mid-July

        6.有意應徵者請將個人履歷電郵至 [email protected],或點擊以下鏈接上載相關資料。

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